I decided to ditch React. It was pretty heavy handed for what I really wanted out of the site, and I want to try to be a bit more content-focused with the site than code-focused. I should be putting stuff on here, not figuring out how to put it on here.
Looked up some static code generation stuff. Decided on Zola as it seems pretty lightweight overall. Make some HTML-templates, write some markdown files (hey, like I already was), and it generates a bunch of static files. Will make it easier to host. And if I really need React for something, well, that'll be an interesting project in and of itself. But I should be able to just include a react-compile step to a build pipeline and plop that into one of the templates easy enough.
Hey Soto, you can read this now. Happy to have you here <3
The avaliable themes for Zola suck; they all assume a pretty rigid format for the styling. I'm not sure if it's a limitations of the themes, or the themes people have written, or what, but... eh, I'll make my own as I go along. I kind of want simplicity for all of this anyway, and want the power to tweak it if I really need to.
As long as I can somehow put the garbage on the site like I want to, I am good. Going to try that now, recreate the under construction bullshit everywhere.
Getting HTTPS working on the site is a pain with Azure. I'm probably going to find a better more lightweight host. Azure has nice things but again... it's like driving a semi-truck to deliver a pamphlet.