

I finally finished the third tier of the space elevator in Satisfactory. Now all I have left is to... I guess wait? There's no fourth tier for the elevator right now. There's some other factory components to unlock so I might try to work on that, but otherwise it's just putting in parts to try and earn statues. I guess I can do that and try to make a nice statue garden in the base, maybe set up a train system or something neat like that.

First I have to rebuild a large chunk of my factory and upgrade all of my power plants. I destroyed my initial iron factory part, which was a huge part of the early game for me, and I destroyed one of the new steel mills I made to make a part for the space elevator. I'll have to figure something out with that as well, but one step at a time. I want to make a more efficient and aesthetically pleasing factory in the end.

I've been taking the Unity stuff more seriously now. I've finished the "Fundamentals" thing that they had on their learning site, and the only other major "course" they have are the junior programmer. I don't like how using it with my current setup is, because it doesn't have any intellisense-type helpers or anything when used with Visual Studio or VS Code. I want to figure that out before I move on to trying actual programming with this course. I doubt I'll finish that, but I want to use it to familiarize myself with these aspects of using unity.