Hello world. I guess.
I figure I should start a blog or something. Wanting to be more productive. I figure if I'm doing it for something like a blog, I feel like I have something to answer to, and maybe it'll help me out. Or at the very least have something for my portfolio.
Because I'm only trying to get the very very VERY basics of this under control for the moment, I am not putting much effort into this. Maybe this will be in a more proper blog post in the future, but today, I am just inlining this in the home page. Looks ugly as hell, but hey, we'll see how this goes. I'll also save a screenshot of the home page to show off later, just to prove how ugly this looks. I'm just more interested in getting the tools and pipeline set, and the website online, rather than worrying about more trivial things like "look" and "feel" and "functionality" and "eye strain" and "no really, you dumb goat, put more than five minutes of effor into this".
Anyway. Hi.
EDIT: I added some audio awfulness