Wow it's been a bit since I've touched this site and blog. 10 months? I guess I felt like I didn't have much to say, so I didn't say anything at all. Kind of an over-reaction. Over-non-reaction?
Anyway, I'm kinda starting this up again so I can have a place to put my thoughts while I try doing the Advent of Code. It's been a while since I've done something like this, and it would be a good way to brush up on my C++. It's been a while since I've seriously tried using it, and would be nice to give it another serious go. So I set up a part of the site in order to keep things a bit organized, and maybe a bit seprate from the rest of the site. Let's see how this goes?
The basic problem seems pretty simple, but it does kind of need some setup. Because I'm lazy and already using VS Code, I'm just using (the basic setup they reccomend in their docs)[]. As long as it works, and these puzzles are likely to be relatively small, using GCC via MinGW. Ugh. I had planned to do this for a couple weeks now, I should have just got my environment up beforehand so I could just write code and solve the puzzles. It's taking a bit longer to set this up than I expected.