The description for today is very.... confusing. But I don't think the problem itself isn't very complicated, just hard to communicate:
For each pair of matching characters
- Draw a line
between the pairs - Extend
in each direction by the same length as the original length - The ends of the new line are where to mark
var antiNodes = new HashSet<(int, int)>();
foreach (var antenna in antennas.Values)
for (int i = 0; i < antenna.Count - 1; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < antenna.Count; j++)
int diffX = antenna[j].Item1 - antenna[i].Item1;
int diffY = antenna[j].Item2 - antenna[i].Item2;
if (Utils.IsInRange2d(antenna[i].Item1 - diffX, antenna[i].Item2 - diffY, height, width))
antiNodes.Add((antenna[i].Item1 - diffX, antenna[i].Item2 - diffY));
if (Utils.IsInRange2d(antenna[i].Item1 + diffX + diffX, antenna[i].Item2 + diffY + diffY, height, width))
antiNodes.Add((antenna[i].Item1 + diffX + diffX, antenna[i].Item2 + diffY + diffY));
For part 2, it looks like my solution is pretty good! I just have to extend that to, instead of just looking at one antinode in each direction, to simply keep looking in each direction until it's out of range!
// Test reverse
int testX = antenna[i].Item1;
int testY = antenna[i].Item2;
while (Utils.IsInRange2d(testX, testY, height, width))
antiNodes.Add((testX, testY));
testX -= diffX;
testY -= diffY;
// Test forward
testX = antenna[i].Item1;
testY = antenna[i].Item2;
while (Utils.IsInRange2d(testX, testY, height, width))
antiNodes.Add((testX, testY));
testX += diffX;
testY += diffY;