--- Day 6: Looping Guards ---

December 6

Listening to: 90s Style Ambient Jungle Mix

Today's puzzle doesn't seem too bad. A two pass approach - trace the guard's path & count distinct spaces visited - seems somewhat trivial.

One possibly ugly thing was putting the directions as arrays of x/y changes for each turn direction in order, but it works out pretty elegantly in practice, and runs pretty quick

int x, y, turn = 0;

int[] xdir = { -1, 0, 1, 0 };
int[] ydir = { 0, 1, 0, -1 };

while (true)
    // Mark spot
    grid[x][y] = 'X';

    var nextX = x + xdir[turn];
    var nextY = y + ydir[turn];

    if (!Utils.IsInBounds(grid, nextX, nextY)) break;

    // Check if turning
    if (grid[nextX][nextY] == '#')
        turn = (turn + 1) % 4;
        // Move
        x += xdir[turn];
        y += ydir[turn];

Part 2... This seems like a bit of a pain to do, finding a change that can intentionally cause a loop.

Offhand I don't have an issue with possibly bruteforcing this, but I'm more concerned with finding a loop in the first place. Perhaps if I'm a bit more clever about it - leaving a different character depending on the direction they are facing. So if the guard is moving right (>) on the same square more than once, they will end up tracing the same path! All I have to do is keep track of direction characters specifically instead of just marking spots.

... except that doesn't work in one edge case.


Here, the guard will go back and forth forever, but keep changing directions perfectly.

If I instead keep count of how many times a space has been visited? The way I figure, a space can be visited at most four times without being in a loop (once from each direction), so if it's visited a 5th time, then it's a loop.

private bool willLoop(int obstacleX, int obstacleY)
    var testGrid = new List<List<char>>();
    foreach (var s in grid)
        testGrid.Add(new List<char>(s));

    testGrid[obstacleX][obstacleY] = '#';
    testGrid[startX][startY] = '.';

    int x = startX, y = startY, turn = 0;
    while (true)
        // Check spot & mark
        if (testGrid[x][y] == '4') return true;
        else if (testGrid[x][y] >= '1' && testGrid[x][y] <= '3') testGrid[x][y]++;
        else testGrid[x][y] = '1';

        var nextX = x + xdir[turn];
        var nextY = y + ydir[turn];

        if (!Utils.IsInBounds(testGrid, nextX, nextY)) return false;

        // Check if turning
        if (testGrid[nextX][nextY] == '#')
            turn = (turn + 1) % 4;
            // Move
            x += xdir[turn];
            y += ydir[turn];

It takes a little bit to run, but works!

Time taken: 50 minutes

My solutions for today's puzzles