--- Day 15: Pathfinding! Finally! ---

December 15

Listening to: Daft Punk

Finally! Pathfinding!

It's not quite the pathfinding problem I thought would need to be solved, but it's nonetheless a classic pathfinding problem.

I have a mind to implement A* for this, or another pathfinding algorithm to get the path... but looking at the problem, I don't need to genuinely find the path at any moment for this. I only need to find the risk for the path. The easiest way would be to find the risk for every possible space, moving backwards from the exit to calculate that. I don't need any paths, just calculations.

Even easier, if I can figure out how to diagonally go through a 2d array, it's just iterating across it, taking the lower of the two known adacent values, and adding the current risk.

// Seed risk map with initial value
int size = cavern[0].size() - 1;
riskMap[size][size] = cavern[size][size];

for (int i = 1; i <= size; i++)
for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
    int x = size - (i-j);
    int y = size - j;
    riskMap[x][y] =
        + min(
            x == size ? INT_MAX : riskMap[x+1][y],
            y == size ? INT_MAX : riskMap[x][y+1]

// Top Diagonal
for (int i = size-1; i >= 0; i--)
for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
    riskMap[j][i-j] =
        + min(
            j     == size ? INT_MAX : riskMap[j+1][(i-j)],
            (i-j) == size ? INT_MAX : riskMap[j][(i-j)+1]

... Except that only works for square inputs. It turns out the actual input is 100x101, very slightly rectangular. So my calculations all skipped an entire row. Ugh.

// Seed risk map with initial value
int width = cavern[0].size() - 1;
int height = cavern.size() - 1;

// Start at 1 to skip exit risk; that is manually set
riskMap[height][width] = cavern[height][width];
for (int i = 1; i <= width + height; i++)
for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
    int k = i - j;

    if (k <= height && j <= width) {
        int x = height - k;
        int y = width - j;
        riskMap[x][y] =
            + min(
                x == height ? INT_MAX : riskMap[x+1][y],
                y == width ? INT_MAX : riskMap[x][y+1]

Still not the right answer...

Ugh... I'll have to actually do pathfinding. Great. Time to throw this out and start anew.


Okay, it's like an hour later. Let's see... (safer() is just a comparison function for the NODE type based on risk)

#define NODE pair<int, pair<int, int>>

// Seed heap
riskQueue.push_back(NODE(0, pair<int, int>(0, 0)));
make_heap(riskQueue.begin(), riskQueue.end(), safer());

while (!riskQueue.empty()) {
    NODE node = riskQueue.front();
    pop_heap(riskQueue.begin(), riskQueue.end(), safer());

    int risk = node.first;
    int x = node.second.first;
    int y = node.second.second;

    // Check if the end
    if (node.second.first == height && node.second.second == width) {
        cout << "Total risk is: " << node.first << endl;
        return 0;

    // Top, Bottom, Left, Right
    if (x > 0 && cavern[x-1][y] > 0) { 
        riskQueue.push_back(NODE(risk + cavern[x-1][y], pair<int, int>(x-1, y)));
        push_heap(riskQueue.begin(), riskQueue.end(), safer());
        cavern[x-1][y] = -1;
    /// repeat for each direction...

That... doesn't... work...

I even tried a test output that specifically checks for going backwards at some points!


And trying random things like switching up width and height at a few points, it just works now? I have a headache...

Okay, part 2 seems like it's just a larger version of the first, tiling the output in a unique way. Interesting, but I just need to adjust how I parse the input.

// Populate cavern
while (!input.eof()) {
    input >> line;
    vector<int> row;
    for (auto c: line) 
        row.push_back(c -'0');
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) cavern.push_back(vector<int>());

int tileWidth = cavernTile[0].size();
int tileHeight = cavernTile.size();

// Populate LARGER cavern
for (int i = 0; i < 5 * tileHeight; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 5 * tileWidth; j++) {
    int mx = i / tileHeight;
    int my = j / tileWidth;
    cavern[i].push_back((cavernTile[i%cavernTile.size()][j%cavernTile[0].size()] - 1 + mx + my) % 9 + 1);

The cavern is bigger, but correct.

... and it STILL doesn't work?


I added an extra line at the end of the input while looking at it. I removed it and it worked.

The confusing thing is that my input code still parsed it just fine, but it read the empty line as a duplicate of the last line. Whoops.

I feel dumb. But it works.

My solutions for today's puzzles